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Refining and sales company's asphalt products achieved a good start in the first quarter

2023-04-18 16:49:23

In the first quarter, the oil refining and sales company focused on high-quality development actions and strengthened resource coordination. The sales performance of asphalt products was outstanding, and it was a good start. From January to March, the total volume of asphalt products exceeded 1.6 million tons, and the self-operated business volume increased by 73% year-on-year.

Since the beginning of this year, the oil refining and sales company has seized the opportunity of the country's promotion of infrastructure construction and the recovery of asphalt market demand, combined with the domestic market situation and regional market characteristics, done a good job in advance research and judgment, and actively built customer confidence. With the gradual arrival of the asphalt construction season, the oil refining and sales company will focus on the changes in both sides of the market supply and demand, accurately connect the two ends of the market and production enterprises, strengthen customer classification and refined management around high-quality customers, focus on key projects, promote quality brand services, and accelerate expansion Emerging markets create performance growth points, laying a good foundation for the completion of the annual target tasks.