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Market size and future development trend of China's asphalt industry

2023-04-11 16:47:02

According to the analysis of the development situation and market prospect planning report of China's medium-temperature asphalt industry from 2023 to 2029 released by Market Research Online, in 2020, the market size of China's asphalt industry will be about 130 billion yuan, an increase of 2.2% over 2019, but compared with 2018. down 1.9%.

Asphalt is an important building material for construction and highway construction. The development of the asphalt industry is affected by government construction investment and technological progress of the asphalt industry.

With the development of infrastructure, the asphalt industry will continue to grow, and the market size of the asphalt industry may reach more than 140 billion yuan in the future. Among them, asphalt consumption in the construction field will continue to remain strong, and road construction will be an important market for the future development of the asphalt industry.

Government investment will be an important driving force for the future development of the asphalt industry. The government will increase investment in road construction to promote the development of the asphalt industry, and the consumption of road asphalt will continue to grow in the future. In addition, the central government will also promote infrastructure construction and support technology research and development of the asphalt industry to enhance the competitiveness of the asphalt industry and promote the development of the asphalt industry.

In addition, the asphalt industry will continue to explore new technologies, new processes and new products to meet changing market demands and promote the development of the asphalt industry. The asphalt industry will also increase investment in technological transformation and energy conservation and emission reduction to improve the quality of asphalt products and improve the overall competitiveness of the asphalt industry.

In general, the market size of the asphalt industry will continue to grow in the future. Government investment and technological progress awards are important driving forces to promote the development of the asphalt industry. The asphalt industry will also strengthen research and development, technological transformation, energy conservation and emission reduction to meet market demand and improve Comprehensive competitiveness of the industry.